The Hidden Dangers of Unlicensed Injectors

The Importance of Choosing a Licensed Professional for Cosmetic Injections


Arizona woman shares lip filler nightmare story by third eye beauty lounge in Tempe AZ "the dangers of going to unlicensed injector"
Arizona woman shares lip filler nightmare story by third eye beauty lounge in Tempe AZ “the dangers of going to unlicensed injector”

At Third Eye Beauty Lounge, safety is our top priority. Recently, I, Kayla Marie Vandel, an esthetician, was approached by my close friend and neighbor, Athena Zafirakis. Unfortunately, her lip filler experience had gone terribly wrong. She had been referred to an unlicensed injector who was advertising on Instagram and was drawn in by the low prices.

Athena experienced severe bruising, pain, and a large bump on her upper lip. The injector, who operated out of her home, only communicated through Instagram and required payment via Cash App—major red flags that Athena hadn’t noticed at the time.

When Athena visited Third Eye Beauty Lounge, my sister, Katrina Amburgey, a licensed registered nurse and expert cosmetic injector, immediately stepped in. Katrina quickly determined that the improperly injected filler needed to be dissolved. While there was no guarantee that the procedure would fully work, Katrina performed it with care. Fortunately, the outcome was successful, and Athena’s painful lumps were resolved.

Why You Should Always Choose a Licensed Professional

Arizona woman shares lip filler nightmare story by third eye beauty lounge in Tempe AZ "the dangers of going to unlicensed injector"
Arizona woman shares lip filler nightmare story by third eye beauty lounge in Tempe AZ “the dangers of going to unlicensed injector”

Athena’s story highlights the growing risk of unlicensed injectors. These individuals often attract clients with low prices but lack the proper training and certification. The consequences of going to an unqualified injector can be severe.

I shared, “It’s heartbreaking to see clients go through these situations when all they want is to enhance their beauty. That’s why we at Third Eye Beauty Lounge always stress the importance of choosing licensed professionals.”

To raise awareness, we’ve worked alongside ABC15 to share this story and educate others about the dangers of unlicensed injectors. At Third Eye Beauty Lounge, we always advise anyone considering cosmetic injections to thoroughly research their provider.

Top 3 Precautions When Getting Cosmetic Injections:

  • Avoid Home-Based Treatments – Always opt for a professional med spa, clinic, or licensed establishment.
  • Verify Credentials – Make sure your injector is a licensed medical professional, such as a registered nurse, doctor, or physician assistant. You can check their credentials on trusted sites like [Nursys]( or the [Arizona Medical Board](
  • Ask Questions – Don’t hesitate to ask about your injector’s experience and how often they perform cosmetic procedures.

Athena’s story is a powerful reminder that while cheap prices can be tempting, safety and expertise should always come first. Cosmetic injections require the skill and knowledge of licensed professionals to avoid complications and achieve beautiful, natural results.

For anyone looking to enhance their appearance, we urge you to choose a trusted, licensed provider. At Third Eye Beauty Lounge, we ensure your experience is safe, comfortable, and produces the best possible results.

Watch the full ABC15 segment [here] to learn more about Athena’s story and how to protect yourself from unlicensed injectors.

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